15.-17. Juli 2015 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der Bukta Open Air Festival Archiveintrag von 2015, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2018
Bukta Open Air Festival 2018 -
18.-20. Juli 2018
- Location: Tromsø
15.07.2015 (Mi) - 17.07.2015 (Fr)
Die 12. Ausgabe des Open Air Festivals im Norden Norwegens. DREAM THEATER (US) / THE WOMBATS (UK) / DANKO JONES (CAN) ...
The festival takes place in Telegrafbukta – one of Tromsø’s most popular camping and swimming spots during the summer. On the beach, surrounded by trees and mountains, Bukta can claim to have one of the most beautiful festival sites in the world. Things only get better with the midnight sun – during the months of June and July the sun doesn’t set on Tromsø, meaning there is no night. You can literally party all day long – something that virtually no other rock festival in the world can claim!
Für das Bukta Open Air Festival 2015 sind 30 Bands bestätigt:
As Life Fades Away, Baby In Vain, Brutus, Changeling, Chuck Prophet & The Mission Express, Daniel Norgren, Danko Jones, Dienamic, Dream Theater, Fru Pedersen, Heave Blood & Die, Hjortene, Hypnos, Jonathan Wilson, Lüt, Onkl P & De Fjerne Slektningene, Refused, Rival Sons, Screenshot This, Ska Patrol, Temples, The Devil & The Almighty Blues, The Graveltones, The Growlers, The Northern Belle, The Wombats, Torgeir Waldemar, Vederkast, Vidunder, Wedge
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Hellfest 2019 (3), OYA 2014 (3), Rock am Ring 2012 (3), Rock im Park 2012 (3), Hellfest 2022 (2), Sweden Rock 2019 (2)
Website: bukta.no
Website: bei Facebook
Website: bei Twitter
Festival-Ticket: 1600,- NKR (ca.189€)
3 dagers Festivalpass 1499,- (+ billett avgift)
Dagsbillett 749,- (+ billett avgift)
Festivaleintrag Bukta Open Air Festival 2015 - Fotos, Berichte und Bands
aktualisiert am 14.07.2015
340481 Auftritte
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