20.-22. Juni 2019 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der Hellfest Archiveintrag von 2019, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2022
Hellfest KIOWA 2022 -
11.-12. August 2022
- Location: Scheiben, Naturpark Nordwald
Im westfranzösischen Clisson bei Nantes findet jährlich eines der größten und härtesten Festivals statt: das Hellfest!
History: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
Für das Hellfest 2019 sind 159 Bands bestätigt:
Acid King, Alien Weaponry, All Them Witches, Allegaeon, Anthrax, Aorlhac, Arabrot, Architects, Archspire, Banane Metalik, Batmobile, Beartooth, Blackberry Smoke, Blackrain, Bliss of Flesh, Bloodbath, Brutus, Böhse Onkelz, Cancer Bats, Candlemass, Cannibal Corpse, Carach Angren, Carcass, Carpathian Forest, Cave In, Cemican, Clutch, Coilguns, Combichrist, Conan, Cradle Of Filth, Cult Leader, Cult of Luna, Cypecore, Dagoba, Dark Tranquillity, Daughters, Dawn of Disease, Ddent, Deadland Ritual, Death Angel, def leppard, Deicide, Demons & Wizards, Descendents, Devourment, Diamond Head, Dool, Dream Theater, Dropkick Murphys, Eagles Of Death Metal, Eisbrecher, Embryonic Cells, Emperor, Employed To Serve, Enter Shikari, Envy, Fallen Lillies, Fever 333, Fiend, FM, Freitot, Fu Manchu, Gloryhammer, Godsmack, Gojira, Gold, Graveyard, Hank Von Hell, Hyrgal, Immolation, Impaled Nazarene, Insanity Alert, Khaos-Dei, King Diamond, Kiss, Klone, Koritni, Kvelertak, Lamb Of God, Last Temptation, Le Bal Des Enrages, Les Wampas, Like A Storm, Lofofora, Lucifer’s Child, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mad Sin, Manowar, Mantar, Mass Hysteria, Me First And The Gimme Gimmes, Messa, Moonspell, Morning Again, Municipal Waste, My Sleeping Karma, Myrkur : Folkesange, Nasty, No Fun At All, No One Is Innocent, Nova Twins, Pestilence, Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, Possessed, Power Trip, Psycroptic, Punish Yourself, Radio Moscow, Refused, Revocation, Richie Kotzen, Shaârghot, Sham69, Skáld, Skindred, Slash Feat. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators, Slayer, Sonata Arctica, Stinky, Stone Temple Pilots, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Sum 41, Sumac, Tesla, Testament, The Adicts, The Amsterdam Red-Light District, The Creepshow, The Dwarves, The Interrupters, The Living End, The Necromancers, The Obsessed, The Ocean, The Rumjacks, The Sisters of Mercy, The Young Gods, Tool, Tormentor, Trepalium, Triumph Of Death, Trivium, Trollfest, Uada, Ultra Vomit, Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats, Valley Of The Sun, Venom Inc., VLTIMAS, Vomitory, Whitechapel, Whitesnake, Wiegedood, Will Haven, Within Temptation, Wolfheart, Yob, ZZ Top
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Graspop Metal Meeting 2019 (36), Hellfest 2016 (22), Copenhell 2019 (20), Hellfest 2013 (17), Hellfest 2012 (16), Graspop Metal Meeting 2014 (15)
Website: www.hellfest.fr
Website: bei Facebook
Festivaleintrag Hellfest 2019 - Festival Infos und Bands
aktualisiert am 09.04.2020
340481 Auftritte
Festivalgeschichte: Festivalarchiv 2019 Festivalarchiv 2018 Festivaltermine 2017 Festivaltermine 2016 Festivaltermine 2015 Festivaltermine 2014 Festivalkalender 2013 Festivalsaison 2012 Archiv 2011 Archiv 2010 Archiv 2009 Archiv 2008 Archiv 2007 Archiv 2006