15.-18. Juli 2015 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der Colours Of Ostrava Archiveintrag von 2015, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2017
Colours Of Ostrava 2017 -
18.-21. Juli 2017
- Location: Ostrava
15.07.2015 (Mi) - 18.07.2015 (Sa)
Colours of Ostrava - das größte Musikfestival Tschechiens, lockt im Juli wieder mit international renommierten Headlinern in die atemberaubende Industrielandschaft Niederschlesiens.
Für das Colours Of Ostrava 2015 sind 68 Bands bestätigt:
Abavuki, Aid Kid, Augustines, Avishai Cohen s New York Division, Bazzookas, Björk, Black Strobe, Bokka, Caravan Palace, Caribou, Carlos And His Coyotes, Choir Of Young Believer, Clean Bandit, CoCo & The Butterfields, Dillon, Dirty Blondes, Electro Deluxe, Faiz Ali Faiz, Fallgrapp, Flute In Motion, Forma, Gallon Drunk, Heymoonshaker, Holden Caulfield, HVOB, Improzie, Inheritance, John J Presley, Jose Gonzalez, Kasabian, Kill The Dandies!, Klangkarussell, Longital, Marika, Megaphone, Mika, Nathan Fake, Nicolas Pellerin et les Gands Hurleurs, No Blues, Oscar And The Wolf, Other Lives, Owen Pallett, Palenke Soultribe, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Roni Size, Rudimental, Scntst, Sly & Robbie Meet Nils Petter Molvaer, Sons Of Magdalene, St. Vincent, Stromboli, Swans, Tata Bojs, Telefon Tel Aviv DJ Set, The Cinematic Orchestra, The Crooked Fiddle Band, The Dumplings, The Dust, The Holydrug Couple, The Mispers, The Toxic Avenger DJ Set, The Woohoo Revue, Too Many Zooz, Vessels, Vök, William Fitzsimmons, Ziva Poezie, Zrni A Janackova Filharmonie Ostrava
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Reeperbahn 2015 (6), Opener 2015 (5), Rock Werchter 2015 (5), Sziget 2017 (4), Positivus 2015 (4), Poolbar 2015 (4)
Website: www.colours.cz
Website: bei Facebook
The current price of a four-day ticket is 1.690 CZK* (61€) and applies to 4.000 tickets or alternatively until 31st December 2014. The first batch of 4.000 cheaper tickets have already been sold.
Campsite by the festival site - accommodation:
220 CZK / 1 person / whole stay - presales price
300 CZK / 1 person / whole stay - price onsite
250 CZK / 1 tent / whole stay - presales price
300 CZK / 1 stan / whole stay - price onsite
Campsite parking:
500 CZK / 1 car / whole stay – presales price
1.000 CZK / 1 car / whole stay – onsite price
Site parking:
500 CZK / 1 car / whole stay – presales price
1.000 CZK / 1 car / whole stay – onsite price
Festivaleintrag Colours Of Ostrava 2015 - Fotos, Berichte und Bands
aktualisiert am 21.06.2015
340481 Auftritte
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