18. November 2016 - schon vorbei
Titanfest takes its name from The Underground Titans Tour '92, a showcase tour of the finest up-and-coming underground metal bands of the era, in an unprecedented air of cooperation between bands creating what is still hailed by many as the first underground metal tour. Now, that spirit of brotherhood and unity shines through as some of the most time-hardened bands work side-by-side with the newer generation of underground bands to bring a full day's worth of aural assault from the finest in old school thrash, metal and death metal around.
Für das TITANFEST 2016 sind 11 Bands bestätigt:
Anihilated, Beholder, Dethonator, Furnaze, Huron, Hysterica, Nightlord, Oliver Dawson Saxon, Onslaught, Skyclad, Weapon Uk
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Alt Fest 2014 (2), Q-BASE (2), ROCKHARZ 2023 (1), PartySan Open Air 2022 (1), WACKEN 2022 (1), Bang Your Head 2022 (1)
Ferenc Collins
Website: www.titanfest.uk
Festivaleintrag TITANFEST 2016 - Festival Infos und Bands
aktualisiert am 21.09.2016
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