19.-21. Mai 2010 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der SPOT Festival Archiveintrag von 2010, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2016
SPOT Festival 2016 -
27.-30. April 2016
- Location: Århus, Dänemark
Newcomer Festival in Dänemark
Hier kann man die Bands von morgen entdecken!
In diversen Locations in Arhus treten etwa 100 Bands der Indie-Szene Scandinaviens auf.
Für das SPOT Festival 2010 sind 98 Bands bestätigt:
4 Fod, Agnes Obel, Alcoholic Faith Mission, Amanda Jenssen, Annika Aakjr, Apollo, Band Ane, Before The Show, Bel Esprit, Benni Hemm Hemm, Betting On The Mouse, Bjonko & Copenhagen Chalgija, Black City, Black Leather Machine, Catbird, Chimes & Bells, Claes Cem, Coco Moon, Cody, Critical Mass, Crystal Sky Butterfly, Darling Don't Dance, Deportees, Djosos Krost, Dodning, Dokkedal/Dixen, Efterklang, Eim Ick, Essence, Esther Maria & The Song Horse, Fallulah, First Aid Kit, FM Belfast, Ghost Society, Ginger Ninja, Grammofunch, Habadekuk, Hal og Nikolaj, Howl Baby Howl, I Got You On Tape, Jonathan Johansson, Kandy Kolored Tangerine, Kaspar, Kasper Spez, Kellermensch, Kenton Slash Demon, Kill Screen Music, King's Light Infantry, Kiss Kiss Kiss, Lars and The Hands of Light, Let Me Play Your Guitar, Little Yells A Lot, Mat Riviere, Melissa Horn, Miss Li, Moto Boy, Murder, Nordic CoWriters, Per Egland, Plök, Pony The Pirate, Quadron, Rebekka Maria, Sandra Hakky, Scarlet Chives, Scarred By Beauty, Shogun Kunitoki, Simona Abdallah, Slaraffenland, Sleep Party People, Song For Wendy, Specktors, Stoffer & Maskinen, Striving Vines, Supershine, Surf In Stereo, The Blue Van, The Foreign Resort, The Kandidate, The Kissaway Trail, The Link, The New Heartaches, The Olympics, The Psyke Project, The River Phoenix, The Rumour Said Fire, The Sad Lovers, The Tiny, Thee Attacks, Thomas Dybdahl, Turboweekend, Twins Twins, Underwater Sleeping Society, Vampire Blow, Vinnie Who, Wazzabi, When Saints Go Machine, Wrong Side Of Vegas
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Roskilde 2010 (14), Roskilde 2009 (10), Smukfest 2010 (9), SPOT 2013 (8), Smukfest 2012 (8), Reeperbahn 2010 (8)
SPOT Festivalen
c/o ROSA - Dansk Rock Samråd
Saltholmsgade 22
8000 Århus C
Website: www.spotfestival.dk
Festivaleintrag SPOT Festival 2010 - LineUp und Bands im Archiv
aktualisiert am 17.05.2010
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