26.-27. August 2010 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der Schlagstrom Festival Archiveintrag von 2010, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2014
Schlagstrom Festival 2014 -
31. Juli -03. August 2014
- Location: Berlin
26.08.2010 (Do) - 27.08.2010 (Fr)
Schlagstrom! steht für die Industrial Noise Veranstaltung in Berlin,
einmal im Jahr gibt es für die Szene ein internationales 2 Tage Festival, 2 Bühnen sorgen für reichlich abwechslung von Industrial Noise, harsh electronic, Ambient, bis hin zu Avantgarde, ist alles dabei.
DJs, VJs, Installationen, Performance, Movies runden das Festival ab,
und hinterlassen seit 7 Jahren einen bleibende Eindruck.
Friday 27.08.10 - 2 Floors - Live:
* Winterkälte [d- Complex Architecture Of Hypnotic Sounds And Brutal Rhythmic],
* Rasputeen [d- Founded In 2003 By A Worthless Bunch Of Unemployed Subhumans],
* Steven Stapleton [visual Artist And His Long Running Musical Output As Nurse With Wound], Playing A Special Live Set.
& Andrew Liles Remixer,/ Producer/ Member Of Nurse With Wound And Has Worked Extensively With Current 93,
* Nullvektor [d- Electrophrenique - Industrial - Techno],
* Twinkle [fr- Industrial Electro Breakbeat],
* Mercydesign [d- Music Is Made Of Metal, Thoughts Are Made Of Vapour],
* Cx2 [bln- Sounds And Raw Beats Turns To Rythm And Noise],
* Screening Ipt [bln/dk- Because You Are Worth It],
* Yura Yura & Macha Mélanie [fr- Rhythmic Noise + Live Performance/dance],
* Alarmen [d- Abstract - Ambient - Industrial],
* Oko [bln- Noctivagant],
* Skrøder [dk- Sonic Solutions And Loud Breakdown By A One Man Band],
* Euclid [bln- Oppressive Industrial, Power Electronics And Noise],
Saturday 28.08.10 - 2 Floors - Live:
* Sonar [be- Release Concert, Distorted Rhythm And Noise],
* Portion Control [uk- New Album - Violently Alive],
* Morgenstern [d- Hypnotic Loops, Distorted Powernoise And Heavy Industrial Tunes],
* Hybryds [be- Release Concert - Ritual - Mythical -industrial And Magical Music],
* Incite/ [st-pauli- Audiovisual Immersion (hands)],
* Job Karma [pl- Cinematic Transambient Postindustrial],
* Wieloryb [pl- The City Noise, The Heart Beat, The Rhythm Of Machines],
* Sudden Infant [bln- Physical Sound-poetry And Dadaistic Vocal Expressions],
* Kunst Als Strafe [bln- Release Concert - Drone Ambient Cutup Noise Deconstruction],
* Schultz And Vdrey [fr- Harsh Industrial / Painting / Erotic And Fetish Oriented Shapes],
* Zuckendes Fleisch [ir/bln- The Twitching Howl Of A City Of Insects],
* Havblik Audio [dk-the Sound Of The Sea],
* Vinyl-terror &-horror [dk- "disasters" - A Composition For 8 Turntables],
* Dj Team Raubbau,
* Dj Agent Provocateur,
* Dj Tamat (industrieterror),
* Dj Broadcaststorm,
* Dj Lifeloop,
* Movies By Daemiane (video/performance Artist),
* Video Installation By Cyper (livestream.com/cyper),
* Vj Dekonstruktiv ,
Für das Schlagstrom Festival 2010 sind 33 Bands bestätigt:
Alarmen, Cx2, DJ Agent Provocateur, DJ Broadcaststorm, DJ Lifeloop, DJ Tamat, DJ Team Raubbau, Euclid, Havblik Audio, Hybryds, Incite, Job Karma, Kunst Als Strafe, Mercydesign, Morgenstern, Nullvektor, Oko, Portion Control, Rasputeen, Schultz And Vdrey, Screening Ipt, Skrøder, Sonar, Steven Stapleton, Sudden Infant, Twinkle, Vinyl-terror &-horror, Vj Dekonstruktiv, Wieloryb, Winterkälte, Yura Yura & Macha Mélanie, Zuckendes Fleisch
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Summersession 2012 (28), Dour 2018 (19), Wave Gotik Treffen 2016 (14), Wave Gotik Treffen 2011 (13), PAROOKAVILLE 2018 (11), Wave Gotik Treffen 2014 (8)
Nadja Belabidi
13129 Berlin
Website: www.schlagstrom.de
VVK: 2 Tages Ticket: 36€ inklusive Festival CD,
1 Tages Ticket nur an der Abendkasse
AK: 2 Tages Ticket: 36€ (ohne CD)
1 Tages Ticket: 19€ (ohne CD)
VVK Stellen:
Darkstore: (Boxhagener Str. 23 - 10245 Berlin)
Space Hall: (Zossener Straße 33 - 10961 Berlin)
Dense Record Store (Petersburger Str 81 - 10247 Berlin)
X-tra-X: (Schönhauser Allee 48, 10437 Berlin)
X-tra-X: (Brühl 10-12, 04109 Leipzig)
oder online:
Festivaleintrag Schlagstrom Festival 2010 - LineUp und Bands im Archiv
aktualisiert am 31.07.2010
340481 Auftritte
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