12. Juli 2019 - schon vorbei
Rockabilly at its best!
Rockabilly Explosion No10 - das erste große Jubiläum!
After nine Explosions we will start our 10th anniversary in 2019. In a nice surrounding at the so called "Hoki-See" the Bands will rock you through the whole night and you can enjoy some beers and steaks with your friends.
This year, we also will provide you with finest Rockabilly from the state of the art and put together a pretty nice looking Line up, stay tuned.
Für das Rockabilly Explosion 2019 sind 5 Bands bestätigt:
Crazy Chick and The Roosters, DJ Wolfi, The Royal Flush, The Tin Cans, Velvetone
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Rockabilly Hagen 2013 (1), Rockabilly Explosion 2013 (1), Überseefestival 2009 (1)
Website: rockabillyexplosion.jimdo.com
Festivaleintrag Rockabilly Explosion 2019 - Festival Infos und Bands
aktualisiert am 04.05.2019
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