08.-11. April 2015 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der Roadburn Festival Archiveintrag von 2015, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2018
Roadburn Festival 2018 -
18.-21. April 2018
- Location: Tilburg, Niederlande
08.04.2015 (Mi) - 11.04.2015 (Sa)
The 20th edition of Roadburn Festival runs from April 9 to 12, 2015 at the 013 venue in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
History: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
Für das Roadburn Festival 2015 sind 101 Bands bestätigt:
Abrama, Acid Witch, Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell, Agusa, Anathema, Anthroprophh, Argus, BardSpec, Bast, Bell Witch, Big Naturals, Bongripper, Botanist, Brimstone, Briqueville, City Of Ships, Coltsblood, Coma Wall, Cortez, Darkher, Death Hawks, Death Penalty, Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Domo, Downfall Of Gaia, Eagle Twin, Einar Selviks Workshop, Electric Citizen, Enslaved, Eyehategod, Fields Of The Nephilim, Fister, Fistula, Floor, Focus, Gnaw Their Tongues, Goatwhore, Helms Alee, Hypnos, Izah, Junius, Kandodo, Kayo Dot, KEN Mode, King Dude, King Hiss, Lazer/wulf, Lo-Pan, Majeure, Marriages, Messenger, Miava, Minsk, Moaning Cities, Moloch, Monolord, Mortals, Mugstar, Oozing Wound, Pekko Käppi & K:h:h:l, Primitive Man, Profetus, Pyramidal, Robert Hampson, Russian Circles, Salems Pot, Salope, Sammal, Scott H. Biram, Skeletonwitch, Skuggsja, Solstafir, Solstfir, Spidergawd, Spidergwad, Steve Moore, Sub Rosa, Sun Worship, Svartidaudi, Tangled Horns, Terminal Cheesecake, The Golden Grass, The Heads, The Osis Club, The Picturebooks, The Tower, Thou, Tombs, Tombstones, Tweak Bird, Undersmile, Urfaust, Uzala, Verbum Verus, Virus, Wardruna, White Hills, Wovenhand, Your Highness, Zoltan, Zombi
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Hellfest 2022 (5), Roadburn 2012 (5), Freak Valley 2016 (4), Brutal Assault 2015 (4), Stoned from the Underground 2018 (3), Tons Of Rock 2017 (3)
Website: www.roadburn.com/tag/roadburn-festival-2015
Website: www.roadburn.com
Website: bei Facebook
Website: bei MySpace
Website: Location "013 Venue"
3-day passes (Thursday through Saturday) | € 165
4-day passes (Thursday through Sunday / Afterburner) | € 185
Single day ticket for the traditional Afterburner event (Sunday, April 12th) | € 32,50
3-day campsite passes (Safari campsite De Beekse Bergen) | € 57,50
4-day campsite passes (Safari campsite De Beekse Bergen) | € 72,50
Festivaleintrag Roadburn Festival 2015 - Fotos, Berichte und Bands
aktualisiert am 07.04.2015
340481 Auftritte
Festivalgeschichte: Festivalarchiv 2019 Festivalarchiv 2018 Festivaltermine 2017 Festivaltermine 2016 Festivaltermine 2015 Festivaltermine 2014 Festivalkalender 2013 Festivalsaison 2012 Archiv 2011 Archiv 2010 Archiv 2009 Archiv 2008 Archiv 2007 Archiv 2006