22.-25. Mai 2013 - schon vorbei
22.05.2013 (Mi) - 25.05.2013 (Sa)
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Fast becoming the most unique event in Montreal' summer festival calendar, The One Man Band Fest brings you 4 nights of original performances catering to all musical tastes. We've sought to create a unique music event that celebrates the talents and creativity of one-wo/man bands.
These are solo performers the likes of multi-instrumentalists, loop artists, singer-songwriters, djs and more. For reasons of creative expression, financial limitations and technology, artists today are finding new ways to express themselves alone. For one weekend in May, we provide an arena in which a community of artists and fans can come together to share their passion. This festival aims to showcase and support the one man/woman band phenomenon. Expected attendance in the thousands with documentary coverage by BBC TV (UK) and Video Femme (France).
Für das One Man Band Fest sind 26 Bands bestätigt:
Ana Bon Bon, Bloodshot Bill, Books On Tape, Chris Velan, Delta Will, Dj Drumkit, Echo Beach, Elgyn-skye, Flow Child, Ira Lee, Jenny Omnichord, Jesse Dangerously, Laura Barrett, Lederhosen Lucil, Lonesome Organist, Marc Charron, Montag, Paul Cargnello, Sam Klass, Shake It Like A Caveman, Steve Hill, The Kettle Black, Thomas Truax, Washborad Hank, Wax Mannequin, World Provider
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Reeperbahn 2009 (2), Zomerparkfeest 2012 (1), BootBooHook 2009 (1), Make Some Noise (1), Fusion (1)
onemanbandfest.com or on our Facebook Page,
Jon Cohen (Organizer: 514-276-7795)
Website: onemanbandfest.com
einzelne Tickets: 10-12 $, Hauptevent 20 $. Pass für alle Tage: 65 $
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aktualisiert am 03.07.2013
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