18.-19. Mai 2012 - schon vorbei
18.05.2012 (Fr) - 19.05.2012 (Sa)
The finest in electronic music, breathtaking production design, truth-defying special effects, exhilarating artistry and performance and NEON PAINT.
NEONSPLASH – Paint-Party is the new live entertainment phenomenon that exploded onto the scene with a sold-out live tour production and a show concept that leads fans on a journey of unimaginable atmospheres and unforgettable emotions. A concert revolution that has swept the world of electronic music, blurring the line between fantasy and reality and visualizing affection and artistic creation in form of NEON PAINT.
Für das NEONSPLASH Paint-Party 2012 sind 5 Bands bestätigt:
Congorock, Dave Replay, MaxCherry, Norman Doray, Tocadisco
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
PAROOKAVILLE 2018 (2), MTV Mobile Beats 2013 (2), Ruhr in Love 2012 (2), Creamfields UK 2011 (2), Beatpatrol 2010 (2), Luft & Liebe 2018 Vol II (1)
WhatEversClever GbR
Hopfenstr 32
20359 Hamburg
Website: www.neonsplash.de
Early-Bird Special (bis 5.4.2012) 25,- EUR, VVK (unter www.neonsplash.de) 29,- EUR, AK 35,- EUR, Combo Package (Fast-Pass, T-Shirt, Bag, PAINT BOTTLE) 45,- EUR
NEONSPLASH Paint-Party 2012 Tickets suchenFestivaleintrag NEONSPLASH Paint-Party 2012 - LineUp und Bands im Archiv
aktualisiert am 28.03.2012
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