22.-23. Juli 2010 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der LET IT ROLL Archiveintrag von 2010, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2017
Let It Roll 2017 -
02.-04. August 2017
- Location: Milovice
22.07.2010 (Do) - 23.07.2010 (Fr)
Let It Roll holds a unique position among Czech Republic's music events as it is the only exclusively drum & bass festival.
The festival takes place in an attractive location, surrounded by beautiful nature including a sand beach with bathing and forests. Last year, some 6000 people visited the second edition of the festival.
Let It Roll currently follows up with its 20th edition featuring Sub Focus, High Contrast, London Elektricity, Marky, Stamina MC, Spor, Matrix, Futurebound, Marcus Intalex, Calibre, Original Sin and many more on the bill.
History: 2017, 2010
Für das LET IT ROLL sind 12 Bands bestätigt:
Calibre, Futurebound, High Contrast, London Elektricity, Many More, Marcus Intalex, Marky, Matrix, Original Sin, Spor, Stamina MC, Sub Focus
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Outlook 2014 (3), Outlook 2012 (3), Beatpatrol (3), Snowbombing 2019 (2), Snowbombing 2018 (2), Let It Roll 2017 (2)
Info E-mail: info(zavinac)letitroll.cz
PR E-mail: pr(zavinac)letitroll.cz
Stanky: stanky(zavinac)realbeat.net
Website: www.letitroll.cz
Regular two-day tickets are available for 550 CZK (+ pre-sellers fee). Get your tickets @ TICKETPORTAL, or from local dealers. Links are situated in the TICKETS section. Tickets at the door will be priced at 650 CZK. Single-night tickets will be available only for the Saturday night, at the door for 450 CZK.
Kartenpreis: ~25€
Festivaleintrag LET IT ROLL - LineUp und Bands im Archiv
aktualisiert am 26.06.2010
340449 Auftritte
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