26.-28. Mai 2016 - schon vorbei
26.05.2016 (Do) - 28.05.2016 (Sa)
Jelling Musikfestival 27.-28.05.2016 - 5 Stages - “Main Stage”, Tentstage, Alfreds Stage, Søpavillon & New Stage
Jelling Musikfestival is known for its very pleasant and friendly image and is an annual event. It always takes place the last weekend of May and has been running since 1989.
Jelling Musikfestival is an association with the purpose of holding / giving an annual musicfestival in Jelling. Any possible profit from the event are being distributed through a foundation and given to different charitable cultural purposes.
Für das Jelling Musikfestival 2016 sind 22 Bands bestätigt:
A Touch Of Evil, Blaue Blume, Bryan Adams Tribute, Dune, Electric Guitars, Frantzen & Norlyk, Gnags, Italobrothers, Kim Larsen, Kings Of Rock, Marvelous Mosell, Mike Tramp & Band, Padlock Chain, Peter Viskinde Band, Queen + Adam Lambert, Shaka Loveless, Syngepigerne, The Lone Bellow, The Mind Of 99, Turboweekend, Velvet Volume, Young Flowers Reunited
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Smukfest 2015 (5), Nibe 2015 (3), Smukfest 2014 (3), Smukfest 2013 (3), Smukfest 2008 (3), Skive 2017 (2)
Jelling Musikfestival
Mølvangvej 66B | DK-7300 Jelling
Tel: (+45) 75872888 | Fax: (+45) 75872989
Website: www.jellingmusikfestival.dk
Festivaleintrag Jelling Musikfestival 2016 - Festival Infos und Bands
aktualisiert am 27.04.2016
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