06.-12. Juli 2010 - schon vorbei
The Honu Eclipse Experience!
Once in a lifetime. Legendary. Out of this world....
Honu Eclipse is an international eco-festival for peace celebrating the Total Solar Eclipse that will pass through Easter Island, 11 July 2010 at 2:11 PM local time. A once in a lifetime experience of 4 minutes and 48 seconds of complete totality on the worlds most remote and mysterious island. It will be one of the longest solar eclipses to bless a gathering like this, and the first on the island for over 1,400 years. Imagine yourself living this incredible celestial alignment whilst surrounded by ancient volcanoes and megalithic stone statues. A unique cosmic experience!
The home of the festival will be “Centro Honu”, set on private land on the slopes of the highest volcano, facing west towards the setting sun, ensuring incredible daily sunsets. “Centro Honu” neighbors’ with Ahu Akivi, the 7 statues (moai), the first temple built on the island to honor the first 7 explorers who discovered it 1,400 years ago, around the time of the last Total Solar Eclipse. Ahu Akivi is the only platform which faces out towards the ocean. The statues align to the Summer Solstice sunset, the Constellation of Orion and the Pleiades. It is an honor to be received in such a place!
15 days of camping, 7 days of festival with inter-cultural activities featuring legendary artists such as Raja Ram and his Shpongle DJ set, jamming with his magic flute, and others such as Eat Static and Etnica, amongst more to be confirmed. The festival will integrate Rapa Nui artists such as Kari Kari, the island’s most legendary music and dance group. There will also be a fine selection of artists from the official supporting labels: TIP World, Blue Room Released, Nano, Alchemy, Neurobiotic, Auraquake, Etnicanet, Liquid, amongst others.
Never before has an event captured the imagination and hearts of the scene like this. Human words cannot describe the experience that awaits the Honu Eclipse tribe because a gathering of this nature has never happened before, and will never happen again.
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More Information:
Website: www.honueclipse.org
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aktualisiert am 30.04.2010
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