03. September 2011 - schon vorbei
Dies ist der Green & Blue Open Air Archiveintrag von 2011, es gibt aber aktuelle Infos für 2012
Green & Blue Open Air 2012 -
01. September 2012
- Location: Waldschwimmbad
Back at the Waldschwimmbad Obertshausen, where we originally started and we could offer you a great line up again: Carl Craig, the remix wizard played one of his very rare live sets in Germany. With Frank Lorber and Karotte, we had two DJs that are well-known for a real good party, but we had of course also some new artists who never played at Green & Blue before. Christian Burkardt made a lot of noise in the world with his release "Stopover Goa" on Cocoon and the three fine young guys from Arpiar, who call themselves RPR Sound, are definitely one of the hottest DJ teams currently. The line up was completed by Chris Tietjen & Markus Fix and Sascha Dive, who already proved their extraordinary musical talent at several Cocoon parties.
Für das Green & Blue Open Air 2011 sind 9 Bands bestätigt:
Carl Craig, Christian Burkhardt, Frank Lorber, Karotte, Markus Fix vs. Chris Tietjen, Ricardo Villalobos, RPR Sound, Sascha Dive, Sven Väth
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Amsterdam Dance Event 2017 (4), Amsterdam Dance Event 2016 (4), Love Family Park 2011 (4), Sonne Mond Sterne 2008 (4), Sonne Mond Sterne 2007 (4), Sonne Mond Sterne 2006 (4)
Website: www.myspace.com/greenandblueopenair
VVK: 35,- Euro (Tagesticket)
Green & Blue Open Air 2011 Tickets suchenFestivaleintrag Green & Blue Open Air 2011 - LineUp und Bands im Archiv
aktualisiert am 24.07.2012
340449 Auftritte
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