24. April -04. Mai 2019 - schon vorbei
24.04.2019 (Mi) - 04.05.2019 (Sa)
The festival of electronic cultures in Geneva.
With its display of illuminated signs and its representation of the boiling Tokyo district of Kabuchiko, renowned for never sleeping, the Japanese aesthetic of Electron 2019's poster sets the tone for this new version, which clearly shows its commitment to restoring the culture of night and celebration in the heart of Geneva and more precisely in the moving Acacias district.
More than 90 artists. Headliners, new talents, the line-up is adventurous, pioneering and, of course, festive, carefully crafted in concert between the programmers, with several collaborations and a constant spotlight on the local stage.
Thursday 25 April: Event In Collaboration With Couleur3 - Free Entrance
Friday 26 April: Pig & Dan, Uvb 76, Sama', Jasss, Job Sifre, Kris Baha, Mor Elian, Cem, Boodaman, Mallory & Freetracks, Ondrej, …
Saturday 27 April: Maya Jane Coles, La Fleur, Recondite, The Hacker, Virginia, Lone, Mirlaqi, Ivan Smagghe, Marsman, She Nionika B2b La Foret, Difraktive, …
Thursday 02 May: Event In Collaboration With Vice - Free Entrance
Friday 03 May: Octo Octa, Jason Kendig, Ecar B2b Limbo, Tasker, Pearson Sound, Nvst, Forest Drive West, Dave Tarrida, Sleeparchive, Madalba, Delta Funktionen, …
Saturday 04 May: Adam X, Danny Daze, Function, Laurent Garnier, Marek Hemmann. Frida's Buexe, Matrixxman, Atone B2b Noar, Anita Kirrpris, Audrey Danza, …
Für das Electron Festival 2019 sind 41 Bands bestätigt:
Adam X, Anita Kirrpris, Atone B2b Noar, Audrey Danza, Boodaman, CEM, Danny Daze, Dave Tarrida, Delta Funktionen, Difraktive, Ecar B2b Limbo, Forest Drive West, Function, Ivan Smagghe, Jason Kendig, Jasss, Job Sifre, Kris Baha, La Fleur, Laurent Garnier, Lone, Madalba, Mallory & Freetracks, Marsman, Matrixxman, Maya Jane Coles, Mirlaqi, Mor Elian, Nvst, Octo Octa, Ondrej, Pearson Sound, Pig&dan, Recondite, Sama, She Nionika B2b La Foret, Sleeparchive, Tasker, The Hacker, Uvb 76, Virginia
einige dieser Bands spielen/spielten auch auf folgenden Festivals:
Amsterdam Dance Event 2015 (5), Melt! 2019 (4), Amsterdam Dance Event 2018 (4), Amsterdam Dance Event 2016 (4), Amsterdam Dance Event 2014 (4), Awakenings 2023 (3)
Website: www.electronfestival.ch
Festivaleintrag Electron Festival 2019 - Festival Infos und Bands
aktualisiert am 26.03.2019
340481 Auftritte
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