21. Juni 2018 - schon vorbei
Mit dem Berlin Midsommar Festival bringt man die schönste Tradition Skandinaviens nach Berlin. Das Festival steigt mit viel Musik, skandinavischen Spielen, Maibaumtanz, typischem Essen & Drinks u.s.w. und findet in der Urban Spree statt.
Am 22. Juni in der Urban Spree (Berlin) statt. 16 Uhr --> late.
No summer without Midsommar!!! 🌺🍉
We are happy to announce that this year's Berlin Midsommar Festival will take place on Friday, June 22nd at Urban Spree. So come and celebrate the longest day with us!
During the day we'll have tons of flowers for you to prepare our own midsommar wreath 💐. From experience, try to be there as early as you can to grab enough for yourself. Of course we'll dance the legendary Små Grodorna 🐸 around the maypole 🌴, sweat in a Finnish sauna 🔥 and have fun games 🏄 prepared. A bunch of local food trucks will offer a range of yummy salty 🍜🍤🍲 and sweet food 🍒🍰🍬🍧🍦 , drinks 🍹🍻☕️and ice cream 🍦.
BERLIN MIDSOMMAR FESTIVAL is presented by Nordic by Nature and FluxFM 🎈
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Website: http://nbnberlin.de/midsommar-festival/
Website: Facebook Veranstaltung
Early Bird Ticket - 5 Euro
Early Bird Group Ticket (für max. 5 Personen) - 15 Euro
Early Bird Tickets sind ab sofort in begrenzter Anzahl (500 Stück) erhältlich.
Festivaleintrag Berlin Midsommar Festival 2018 - Festival Infos und Bands
aktualisiert am 22.03.2018
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