Chvrches Tickets online bestellen
15.-17. Juni
Hurricane Festival 2023
15.-17. Juni
Southside Festival 2023
22.-24. August
Reading Festival 2019
22.-24. August
Leeds Festival 2019
06.-12. August
Sziget Festival 2019
11.-13. April
Coachella Festival 2019
28.-07. Juli
TRNSMT Festival 2018
11.-13. Juli
Nos Alive 2018
27.-30. Juni
OpenAir St Gallen 2018
21.-23. Juni
Hurricane Festival 2018
21.-23. Juni
Southside Festival 2018
07.-09. Juni
Best Kept Secret Festival 2018
Primavera Sound 2018
25.-27. August
Leeds Festival 2016
25.-27. August
Rock en Seine 2016
18.-20. August
Lowlands 2016
16.-19. August
Paredes de Coura 2016
16.-19. August
Pukkelpop 2016
11.-13. August
FLOW Festival 2016
10.-12. August
Way Out West 2016
09.-16. August
Sziget Festival 2016
08.-12. August
OYA Festival 2016
14.-16. Juli
Melt! Festival 2016
13.-16. Juli
Latitude Festival 2016
06.-08. Juli
Bilbao BBK Live 2016
21.-25. Juni
Glastonbury 2016
14.-16. April
Coachella Festival 2016
11.-12. September
Lollapalooza Berlin 2015
03.-05. September
Electric Picnic 2015
21.-22. August
V Festival Hylands Park 2015
21.-22. August
V Festival Weston Park 2015
12. September
DCODE 2014
07.-11. September
Unknown Festival 2014
03.-06. September
Bestival 2014
21.-23. August
Leeds Festival 2014
21.-23. August
Reading Festival 2014
16.-18. Juli
Slottsfjell Festival 2014
10.-12. Juli
T in the Park Festival 2014
26.-28. Juni
Rock a Field 2014
25.-28. Juni
OpenAir St Gallen 2014
24.-28. Juni
Glastonbury 2014
19.-21. Juni
Hurricane Festival 2014
19.-21. Juni
Best Kept Secret Festival 2014
19.-21. Juni
Southside Festival 2014
28.-30. Mai
Primavera Sound 2014
10.-12. April
Coachella Festival 2014
22.-24. August
Rock en Seine 2013
22.-24. August
Reading Festival 2013
22.-24. August
Leeds Festival 2013
15.-17. August
Dockville 2013
18.-20. Juli
Melt! Festival 2013
04.-05. Juli
Pitch Festival 2013
03.-06. Juli
Eurockeennes 2013
01.-04. Juli
Hove Festival 2013
08.-11. Januar
Eurosonic Noorderslag 2013
Konzertkarten - Chvrches Tourdaten - Festivals & Konzerte 2024
The 1975 (20), Disclosure (19), Foals (14), Bastille (14), Jake Bugg (13), AlunaGeorge (12), Arctic Monkeys (11), Two Door Cinema Club (10), The Lumineers (10), Tame Impala (10), Metronomy (10), M (10), James Bay (10), Franz Ferdinand (10), Wolf Alice (9)
Staubwolken und Feuerwerk: So war's beim Hurricane 2023 Das Hurricane Festival 2023 ist gerade erst vorbei, da verkauft FKP Scorpio am ersten Tag des Vorverkaufs fürs Hurricane Festival und Southside Festival zusammen 50.000 Tickets, ein Rekord. Und das, obwohl in den sozialen Medien im Vorfeld sowie [...]
Hurricane, Southside mit Kaleo, Two Door Cinema Club und 16 weiteren fast komplett Sehr fleißig präsentiert sich das Booking von Hurricane und Southside Festival 2023. Bereits im vergangenen September präsentierte man sieben Headliner für die Parallelfestivals in Scheeßel und Neuhausen Ob Eck: Muse, Die [...]
The overall Coachella experience 2019 Coachella has come and gone yet again. Another drive out to the desert to meet-up with old friends and make new ones. The annual journey begins with the Costco run and a pit stop to the Ontario airport (yes there is an Ontario airport in California [...]
Coachella LineUp 2019 mit Ariana Grande, Childish Gambino und Tame Impala